Instead of limiting your agents, help them to grow with you.
I was sharing a meal with a colleague last week, and he asked me whether I allow my buyer’s agents to list homes. I said, “of course, don’t you?” He replied that he’s a believer in the MREA (“Millionaire Real Estate Agent”) model, and that book, used by many real estate agents, says that the team will work better if each person sticks to what they do best.
Well, today I want to tell you that things have changed. If you don’t allow your buyer’s agents to self-actualize and grow with you, they’ll leave you and that old model and become your competition.
Call me, and I’ll tell you exactly how we’re developing agents that continue to benefit our team, even after they’ve left. They take all the knowledge we pour into them and become both all-star buyer agents and listing agents. I can’t wait to hear from you.