Today I want to introduce you to another book you must have on your bookshelf. If you’re going to crush it in real estate, there are two things you need to excel at: implementation and time management. To that end, I recommend “The Ultimate Sales Machine” by Chet Holmes. In the first chapter, titled “Time Secrets of Billionaires,” he lays out the time management secrets that billionaires know. 

Here’s the thing: Every day you wake up, the good Lord gives you 86,400 seconds. We all start equal—Bill Gates, Michael Dell, everyone. The difference is what you get done in those 86,400 seconds. So pick up this book and read the first chapter. Once you master the art of time management, you’ll increase your productivity exponentially. 

If you have questions about today’s topic, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear from you.

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