Here’s how you can use marketing and farming to build your business.
I bump into agents all the time who ask me questions such as, “Cliff, what’s your best long-term lead-generation strategy?” In my opinion, there’s nothing like effective geographical farming.
I recommend you start farming where you live; take care of business in your neighborhood. You’re there more frequently than anywhere else, and you need visibility. Farming provides that.
One of my favorite marketing pieces is a newspaper that we put out each month to our farms. It’s 12 pages long and packed with great articles, photos, and the latest statistics. We also have vendor advertisements in there. It’s zero-cost marketing because we sell that ad space.
“Farming provides visibility in your community.”
These are only 67 cents apiece to send out, and we send out over 13,000 a month at zero cost. You can zero-cost this expense like we do, and I’d be happy to show you how.
If you have any questions about this or anything else related to the business, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.